And here they are.....
We got these two...uhhmm...cuties two weeks ago tomorrow with very short notice. As in 24 hours notice. A co-worker's wife's co-worker (are ya still with me?) had to downsize her home unexpectedly. I found out about them on a Monday, Dear Hubby and I decided YES on Monday evening and we had them in our possession by Tuesday evening.
I was hoping to get them that weekend so we would have time to prep the house but the owner was so upset about having to give them up, that she asked us to "rip the band-aid off" and take them right away.

This is Dear Hubby and Reagan. Reagan is the father of the other one and is on the right in the picture at the top. He is a registered Chocolate lab, 3 years old and pretty daggum lazy. He LOVES to have his head rubbed behind his ears. His second favorite hobby is eating......everything. We just don't let him so it's not a very productive hobby.

Dear Hubby and Nelson.....the son.... He isn't registered but he is a pure-bred. He is 11 months old and all puppy! He's taller than his daddy and much quicker. His favorite pasttime is eating his toys and tormenting the PIA cat, Tinker. They don't exactly get along yet. Tinker is pretty mad at us for letting her go from Queen of the castle to dog snack. She'll get over it, though. As soon as Nelson grows up....if he ever grows up.

The family they were living with had three pre-teens that apparently let the dogs do what they wanted when mom and dad weren't around. But "the boys" have come a long way in two weeks as far as discipline is concerned. They don't jump up anymore, they sit and wait for their leashes to be put on and pretty much pee and poop in the same place. (Didn't want to know that, did ya?!)
So please forgive me if I only have one of my two challenges finished for this month. I was working on a much larger commitment!
Blessings, Cathi
Bless you for taking them on such short notice.....all three of our are rescues...think of all the years of love ahead of you!!
Enjoy them.....LindaMay
Like having babies again isn't it? They are so lovely and I know it just killed her to have to give them up.
PS: watch out for Tinker's backlash. She's liable to regress a bit for a while.
Congratulations on the new family members. Black labs are great - we had ours until she was 14. I should say once she got over the eating everything phase was she great. It sounds like they've found a good home.
Your new family members are just'll love having 2 of them. Labs are so very smart...and live to please you. Have fun!
I dare not show my hubby you got new pooches! He'd be jealous! Ok...your off the hook for a quilt related post but only cause I'm an animal lover!
Congratulations on the new additions!! I'm sure they will bring you great joy (when they learn how to behave~~LOL)!!!
In answer to your post, I am at the Inman Antique Mall. Let me know if you have a chance to come by this weekend!!!
You are a very nice person!
Very handsome new members added to your family. How very kind of you to give them a new home.
OH they are too sweet looking! I have a decision to make with one of my little fur babies, and none of the options I like.
Wow, you have your hands full. Have you seen the dog whisperer? You have to be the pack leader and everything will fall into place. They sure do look hard to resist.
Yes, labs are made to please, we have Buster and he's two years old.
He's my baby, bless you for taking them in!
My Chocolate, Sophie, is almost 17 months old. Good Luck with Nelson...he-he! I don't know if you have had Labs before, but you are SO lucky! I had 2 many years ago, and now we have Soph! Once the puppy stage (and it can be a long stage) is over, they are just the best! Smart and easy to train. All you have to do is run them ragged and they are happy! Good luck with them..they are both so handsome!
How wonderful! Will they be coming to Retreat next month?
Hi Cathi,
Just thought I'd let you know that I mentioned you (and your pots) in my post this morning....I hope you don't mind....and I hope you have a sense of humour...It's all good...Take care and have a wonderful Friday!
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