You gotta follow shag music to know where the title of this post came from. Brings me back to my college days....but General Johnson and the Chairman of the Board are still as popular now as they were all those years ago. And if you have ever been to Myrtle Beach, you know that every corner gift shop has a gazillion t-shirts with that saying all over it.

Picture stolen from the NY Times website without their permission. Just so you know.
Anyway, the purpose of this post is to let you know that I have been "collecting" blogs from the Carolinas on my Blog List on the right.
I noticed a lot of my bloggy friends were from either North (where Dear Hubby's and my roots on my Mother's side are) or from the South (where we live and our children are from).
So I added an NC or SC after the blog name. More for my benefit than anything. But thought it might help some others out.
If you know of any quilty or prim blogs from the Carolinas that aren't listed, please let me know.
Blessings, Cathi
Hey Cathi, i am a NC girl!
Here's a blog I really like from NC
My niece went to East Caroline University and all those girls grew up "shagging". I loved watching them and their parents dance when we used to visit!
East Carolina University...why do I never catch my typos until after I hit send?
hi~i'm a north carolina girl too!
I don't shag and I haven't ever been to Myrtle beach either.
I think it is neat to find bloggers in NC. Because of blogging I met Mary at Quilt Hollow at a quilt show.
hi cathi~
thanks for visiting my blog and adding me to your blog roll~i'm adding you to mine also!
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