Didn't want you to think I was totally uncrafty this week. I finished stitching my Petites Lettres Rouges that Blackbird Designs first came out with WAY back in April. Not too far behind, am I? I've narrowed down the way I want to finish it. Still thinking.....
So Arline Clause in the stitchery is my paternal grandmother.....or more affectionately known around our house as HALF-PINT. She was rather vertically challenged......but she is the one that taught me handwork. She did amazing work. She could knit, crochet, cross-stitch, needlepoint, even dye wool and hook rugs. I don't remember her quilting, though.
Funny story about her name. I was named after her, at least my middle name was. When Dad filled out the paperwork at the hospital for my birth certificate, he inadvertently misspelled it. Hers was Arline with an "i" and mine was spelled Arlene, with an "e". When she found out that her own son didn't know how to spell her name.....well let's just say I think he was left off the Christmas card list that year!

She was born and raised in Staten Island at the turn of the last century in a very proper, fairly wealthy, Victorian-era house.....hence the handwork. She had a married sister and two spinster sisters and one lone brother. This is a picture of Half-Pint and my grandfather at Metedeconk River, NJ sometime in the 1930's I think.

And here they are again in Ocean City, New Jersey in 1980. I had never seen two people so in love in my entire life. Grandpa always called her "my bride". Grandpa died in 1983 and Half-Pint a few years later......I think of a broken heart.
Blessings, Cathi
We named our son Bryan. My husband and I had discussed it ahead of time but never the spelling. When the person filling out the birth certificate info asked me whether it would be spelled Brian or Bryan, I was at a loss. Bryan seemed like the right spelling. My husband was not too happy that I did it with a "Y" but he got over it fast. Enjoyed your story!
Enjoyed the story and stitchery.
Loved your post today and your sampler is just wonderful!
A nice post and a lovely tribute to your grandparents. I have to add my own story to the name spelling. All my life I have been telling people no "H" in my name - Teresa. I asked my mom why they spelled it this way, and she said I was named after my grandmother and that is the way she spelled it. I never knew my grandmother, but a few years ago Fred and I visited her grave, and sure enough - there it was "Theresa Jernejcic".
A beautiful story! There aren't enough marriages like this example these days.
Love your sampler with that little spark of red!
What a nice thing that you included your grandmothers name in your stitchery. That's an idea I may have to use sometime. It's funny to think that stitchery may be around - passed down for years and years - but the names of our great grandparents and before that may get lost. I don't think my children know my grandparents names. I had tiny little grandmothers and aunts too that taught me to sew. My husbands family were Ocean City NJ people too.
I really enjoyed reading your story. Your Grandparents must have really loved each other.
The stitchery turned out wonderful.
I enjoyed the story so much and your stitchery is just so pretty!
Oh Cathi, we must have the same mind these days. I've been writing a post about my grandmother for days now, and about all she taught me...and I come over to find your post!
Lovely pictures...and the stitchery is so sweet and pretty.
I did that little cross stitch too. Haven't figured out how I want to finish it.
Love the story of your family. Thanks for sharing.
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