May the spirit and peace of the day be in your heart all year!

Blessings, Cathi
He's concentrating really hard.
I told her that I wasn't in a hurry since all quilting and sewing has been put on hold until after the holidays. Or should I say until the dreaded snowman wallhanging is finished. I have decided that January is officially "Cathi" month at our home. I turn 50 in January and I want to sew. Do I sound whiney?? I hope so. It's MY TURN!
Blessings, Cathi
Here is one end of the living room.......
And the mantle in between..... Notice the big white spot in the middle. That's where the famous (or is now infamous) snowman wallhanging goes. Still not quilted. I'm still having faith in myself that it will be done by Christmas Day!
And all the details for you to enjoy.....
This great looking guy was a gift from my mom many years ago. She got him from a craft show in Pennsylvania. His coat is made from an old quilt. He is my absolute favorite Christmas gift ever and my most favorite decoration.
This snowman was a gift from Dear Daughter #2. What I like the most about this little vignette is that Dear Hubby made it all by himself. I asked him to put something together to put over the tv cabinet and this is what he came up with! And he says he isn't creative.
Don't quite remember where I got this little guy but I do remember the sleigh was bought at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh. If you are ever in North Carolina on Thanksgiving weekend, make an extra effort to go to the Christmas Carousel Craft show that is held at the fairgrounds. It's one of the best I have ever seen.
This stocking doesn't look too primitive but it is sentimental. The fabric came from Dear Daughter #1 and is my favorite newest color, "grinch green". The ribbon is from her, also. But what is sentimental are the buttons. They all came from Sweet Granny's collection. She passed away over 10 years ago now. She had quite an extensive button collection and it all came to me.
Another Saundra White pattern.......
I just love working with wool........From one of the Need'l Love Books
You can't see him in the bigger overall pictures but he is to the left of the french doors guarding the rubber tree plant.
Over the computer cabinet.........
We remodeled the kitchen last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas (what we were thinking!!). The decorations look so much better in a newer kitchen!
I love this cabinet which I think I mentioned during the Fall Tour of Homes. It's always changing.
This is the foyer, quite different from last year. I moved what was on here to the top of the new computer cabinet. I wanted to make gingerbread men to hang on the Swedish tree (made by Dear Hubby, of course!) but haven't gotten to any baking yet. Maybe soon. The wallhanging is from one of my favorite designers, Cheri Saffiote-Payne. And, as usual for me, the snowman is a favorite of mine.....the uglier the better!
Another one of Saundra White's I Done My Best patterns. Too bad you can't find them anymore. I have a bunch of them. And if anyone has any they are willing to part with (hint, hint)
And yet another shelf made by Dear Hubby...aren't I a lucky duck. Completely changed from last year so still a work in progress.
Tomorrow will be the living room.
Blessings, Cathi
This picture is of Cheryl (non-blogger) getting ready to start her next applique project. Cheryl has a thing for animals.
The "surprise" Teresa had was a couple of games that she had arranged. We played "button, button" for the entire two hours. I didn't win anything but I didn't lose, either. The second (and much more fun because I was pretty good at it) was Quilt Pictionary. We each took turns picking slips of paper with block names and drawing the quilt block. The only rules were that we couldn't draw the actual block or use numbers or letters. I was pretty good at guessing......I guessed one in 3 seconds.......but I am now thinking it was because my team members were pretty good draw-ers. I thought my drawings were pretty good but noone guessed mine. So either I am not so good at drawing, the block names were too obscure or my teammates were bad guessers. Anyway, my team didn't win but we sure had a lot of fun.
Thanks, Teresa
Now maybe you don't want people to reply to your comments and that's fine. But I love getting (non-spam) emails. I would even love to comment back to some people but can't find an email to send back to them. If you would like to join the non no-reply world, here's all you have to do....
So simple.....I feel so silly. I swear I looked everywhere for that little toggle. Now I you know.
Blessings, Cathi
I could just fix the bad logs and give it back but it wouldn't make it through another washing. At least I know it will be fixed to last for several more decades. Long ago relative's top will still look the same for the most part and I will have salvaged part of their family's heritage. But unless it's part of MY family heritage, I won't offer to do it again.
Blessings, Cathi
This is a picture from the same spot Saturday afternoon. Isn't it beautiful? The leaves hadn't changed as much as I had hoped but gorgeous nonetheless.
Yes, I did do some sewing. In fact I got an entire wallhanging top finished. I hope to take a picture of it tomorrow and post then. I have some handwork to do on it that I will finish up tonight.
We had 282 registered for retreat this year which is the most ever. What a great way to spend a fall weekend .......... with 281 of my best friends in a beautiful location ......... quilting!
One last picture...
Blessings, Cathi