Friday, July 10, 2009

Deleting the term UFO from my vocabulary.....

So I was is where Dear Hubby rolls his eyes and mutters something about hurting my brain too much.....what does UFO really mean? For most of us crafters and quilters, it means UnFinished Object. Or to some it is WIPs (Works In Progress) and some even use PIGS (Projects In Grocery Sacks).

But isn't just about everything covered under UFO's.....including patterns, books, a magazine picture, random ideas rolling in the muddy mess of my brain? When I look at a picture magazine and say to myself (cause nobody else in my house listens to my ramblings). "Boy, I'd like to make that soon", doesn't it then become a UFO? It's unfinished, it's an object that I want. But it hasn't been started yet. Something started is a WIP.

I'm going somewhere with this....hang in there.... So what the heck was I thinking the other day when I chose a WIP AND a project that I hadn't even started yet for Kelly's challenge? I have at least 15 WIPs already started. Why didn't I just pick one of those to FINISH instead of starting something new?

Well, choose them I did so shut up, Cathi, and move on.

I finished cutting out the 20 something blocks for the Hidden Stars quilt and I cut out all the pieces for the Cheri Christmas quilt.

But so I don't fool myself again into thinking a UFO is the same as a WIP, I am erasing UFO from my vocabulary....and from my sidebar. From now on, they are all Works In Progress. And if they aren't, they are just piles of fabric and stacks of papers waiting.

Blessings, Cathi


Anonymous said...

I like WIP better too. In fact, finished one today...though must admit that top had been laying around for over a year; maybe two? I wanted something small before putting my next huge quilt on Gam.

Teresa said...

A rose by any other name......

I just call them projects and I refuse to count them!

Darlene said...

See, I like that much better!!!! I like the way you're thinking and like Teresa I refuse to count them, too. Now, I do have a few friends that do count them for me and remind me when it suits them. grrr!

So, they are all just WIPs - works for me, Cathi - thank you!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL Sounds logical to me!

Mel said...

Funny! Conversations with myself can get sooo out of hand and then I have to give myself the silent treatment!

Here's my thinking, I used to get stressed out about my WIPs, UFOs ect (don't even say the word PIG around me, I will think you are calling me a name!) until the beginning of this year. I 'embraced' that fact that I get inspired - a lot and am grateful for it. Now my rule of thumb, and by rule I mean a loose suggestion, is that I don't buy fabric for new projects. I have to use what I have.

I have no guilt, no limitations, and I've remarkably been finishing more than I have in the past!

It's a personal choice, but I say create with abandon!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Why is it more fun to start a project than to finish one?

Carrie P. said...

Never thought about it that way.

Libby said...

Good for you! I try to not make excuses for my stash or my work - no matter what state of incompleteness it might currently be in.
Anyway, it's always more fun to start something new *s*