Saturday, April 4, 2009

How did that get there?.....

Dear Hubby and I worked in the garden today since we had picture perfect weather. Remember the blueberry bushes we moved a month ago? We topdressed the plants with some compost that we "cooked" over the winter. Apparently it didn't cook enough because this weekend we found 14 pumpkin plants growing in between the blueberries! We're pretty sure they are pumpkins 'cause there were a few with the seed still attached to the end of the leaf.

Yup, we had thrown the pumpkins in the compost with all the leaves and grass clippings.

We decided to leave them and see what happens....will keep you posted.

Blessings, Cathi


Anonymous said...

Isn't the weather just gorgeous! My DH is out working on a two tier bedding area. He is making the retaining walls...then my work comes in.

The Old Parsonage said...

Just dropping by to wish you a wonderful Easter with the family!
