Tuesday, May 10, 2011

South Carolina's Call of the Wild . . . . .

Yes, I'm still here . . . . . busy, busy, busy with busy-ness (business) still.  Shows will be slowing down for the summer so maybe I can post more on this blog.
I don't know about all parts of South Carolina but in our neck of the woods, the wild call is . . . .

They started 10 days ago.  It's been constant since then.  No break, no slowing down.  On the first day,  I thought maybe one of the toilets were running.  I went upstairs several times to check.  Then it was on the news a few days later.

Our local fellas are the 13-year variety.  They are supposed to be fairly healthy to eat . . . . full of protein . . . . if you can get past the taste.  There have been plenty of recipes in the local paper.  The problem is you only have one shot at trying the recipe once every 13 years.

Personally, I will be glad when they stop    -   uhhhmmmm, mating  (which is what they have been doing for the last 10 days).  It's fun and all but after a while, the noise can get annoying.  

Blessings, Cathi


Teresa said...

I am with you on this. We walked through the woods Sunday afternoon, why you ask??? not the brighest crayon in the box on that one. Anyway we saw hundreds of holes in the ground where they crawled out of the dirt. Amazing how nature works.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm thankful for the opportunity to experience them for only every 13 years. :0) They remind me of being on a military base with the jet fighters sitting on the runways off in the distance.

Jan said...

Here in the sandhills of NC we too are dealing with the little critters. We live 3 hours from the Mt.s of NC and 2 hours from Myrtle Beach. I live in the country and the noise is so loud. It's usually quite but now it's the constant humming of these insects. Not my favorite thing!. Blessings, Janice, Black Creek Primitives

The Old Parsonage said...

I remember when the boys used to collect the shells and hang them on the back porch screen to see how many they could get.

Have a great Memorial day.


Oh yeah, I'm planning a little bit of Christmas this weekend!

Earlene said...

We were driving to Alabama last weekend and could'nt believe the noise and they were everywhere! Kinda cool cause I never heard them before. thank goodness we didn't drive our motorcycle. We couldn't see out are winshield after awhile so had to stop and wash the car. Amazing!