This one will be a long post. I have so much stuff in the living room and I love it all. I just didn't know where to stop! I have really mixed up the decorations this year which is why it took me so long to decorate. I just didn't know where to put it. But the light bulb finally came on.
Here is one end of the living room.......
And here is the other........
And the mantle in between..... Notice the big white spot in the middle. That's where the famous (or is now infamous) snowman wallhanging goes.
Still not quilted. I'm still having faith in myself that it will be done by Christmas Day!
And all the details for you to enjoy.....

Dear Hubby made the dry sink and the shelf above it. The Noah's Ark bird house was a gift from Dear Hubby one Christmas. He is so talented ;>)

This great looking guy was a gift from my mom many years ago. She got him from a craft show in Pennsylvania. His coat is made from an old quilt. He is my absolute favorite Christmas gift ever and my most favorite decoration.
This snowman was a gift from Dear Daughter #2. What I like the most about this little vignette is that Dear Hubby made it all by himself. I asked him to put something together to put over the tv cabinet and this is what he came up with! And he says he isn't creative.

Don't quite remember where I got this little guy but I do remember the sleigh was bought at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh. If you are ever in North Carolina on Thanksgiving weekend, make an extra effort to go to the Christmas Carousel Craft show that is held at the fairgrounds. It's one of the best I have ever seen.

This stocking doesn't look too primitive but it is sentimental. The fabric came from Dear Daughter #1 and is my favorite newest color, "grinch green". The ribbon is from her, also. But what is sentimental are the buttons. They all came from Sweet Granny's collection. She passed away over 10 years ago now. She had quite an extensive button collection and it all came to me.
Another Saundra White pattern.......
I just love working with wool........From one of the Need'l Love Books
You can't see him in the bigger overall pictures but he is to the left of the french doors guarding the rubber tree plant.
Over the computer cabinet.........

And finally my new little woolie pillow that Dear Hubby fell in love with. I had made it for a boutique sale at our quilt guild's quilt show but Dear Hubby asked me to keep it instead of selling it. How could I say no?!
Hope you enjoyed the packed living room. Tomorrow the upstairs.....
Blessings, Cathi
I'm tell you....I'm moving in! I absolutely love it all. Your hubby likes to work with neat! So does mine! But I haven't anything big to show due to years in military with no place for him to work (he now has a big ol' basement!). Did you show the snowman quilt top already? I bet it will be perfect above the mantle!
HI Cathi, I found you from googling Cheri's name and seeing your mention of some Cheri quilts you showed! Great quilts! Love the house and the decorations! I added you to my bloglines list!
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