I've gone and gotten on one of my soapboxes at home again about all the clutter. Yea, right after I come home with 6 coffee pots and 13 beer steins. But that's not the point.

This week it is an all-out assault on our DVD collection. We never had a good place to store them but lately they have been piling up on the floor......or wherever.
There are about 120 movies plus the TV series. Really nothing compared to "The Wild One". She has about 300 but they are stored away in her room. But when 120 are laying around the floor and not moving when you need to vacuum......

And what is wrong with this picture?!?

Well, I've gotten down into this. I found these at Staples last week. Each box holds 72 CDs or DVDs. Each movie is in a 2-sided sleeve (gotta keep those bonus DVDs) with a tab at the top that the name of the movie can be written on.

Now I can get my mind back to important things......like quilting.
Blessings, Cathi
We love DVD's at our home too!
I like your idea...gotta give this a try when mine start to get out of hand!
Thanks for the tip!
This is a great solution :o)
We have ours somewhat tucked away in a bookcase behind a door that used to be between our kitchen and dining room, BEFORE we added on the dining room we have now. But we still have way to many and seldom watch them more than once or twice. Many we have not watched in years. We get most of our movies off netflicks now.
What a great idea for storing them:)
I buy DVDs watch em' then it seems like we never watch them ever again.....lol
Have fun quilting!
Now that is a fabulous deal!! Those boxes take up so much room for each DVD! We don't have a staples here but maybe I can find something similar around.
Oh dear - we just went through this exercise while decluttering our home. Hubby loves to have the case and all the pertinent info printed on it. I think we've convinced him to switch to a new means of storage . . . . . but not until after we move *lol*
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